Monday, 23 August 2010

Anyone know this Design?

I have seen this design a few times in lovely Blogland - and it seems fairly popular, although not my cuppa tea. I picked it up for 50p at a car boot and intend to put it on Ebay (got to get some pocket money for Christmas!) Thanks in advance you lovely lot! TTFN

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Yum? Or a bit Yuk?

Yum I think? A few pages from 1950's Cookery Magazine for you to either drool over or squirm at?

Monday, 16 August 2010

Dinner Plates

Welcome to my Kitchen Cupboards, where there is no sense of order whatsoever.
I painted the one on the right after rescuing it from a skip
Thing is, I just got bored of the Denby dinner service we got for our Wedding, like so many other couples. So I packed it all away and decided to use vintage plates that looked pretty or unusual for dinner. I have so many - hardly any of them match - they all cost about 10p at carboots - but I love them (especially the cherry one.....ooh and the star one) They're a talking point - and sometimes a useful distraction from the food I serve up!

Friday, 13 August 2010

Noah's Ark Birthday Party

So these days who can afford a lavish, costly children's birthday party? Not I. So one has to be fairly creative - a little thought, a bit of preparation, a close eye on budget and a wonderful party can be had - children don't care as long as it is fun!!!!! So Lily chose Noah's Ark as her theme. All the children either dressed as their favourite animal or brought their own cuddly animal. We put our tent up and that was our Ark. I made sure the party bags were fun and special. All guests were girls so I bought a lot of pink bags from Ebay and decorated them myself, with some vintage style goodies and a few Ark animal masks and a Maze activity sheet printed free from the web. And Mummy even made, to the best standard she was able to, the Noah's Ark birthday cake!And of course we had to have a Noah conducting ceremonies.
But best of all we weren't flooded! TTFN xxxxxx