My collection increases and expands nicely thank you. But I had a "moment" we all dream of at a car boot recently. A dear lady was selling off her daughter's collection (now grown up and was there - so I don't feel too bad). She had a box full - every one perfect condition - even with a plastic dust cover. She had about 40 - -from the Fairy Tale to the Religious to the older 1940s ones.I dared to ask how much one was.........10p - 10p - yes I will say it again......10p!!!!! So of course I took the lot!!!!
I have two of many - I have 3 Cinderellas (this will only make you squeal if you 'get it')
I recently found a Ladybird Catalogue from the early 80s - such a sign of the times - including a Princess Diana book and one to mark the Pope's visit (yes I have those too!)
But where to put them? I need an entire bookshelf - but lack the space. So for now they are stacked up against a little in-house window on our staircase. The children select one every night for their bedtime story - and it makes me happy every time I pass them. Small pleasures hey?
Is there one Ladybird Book you would really like to see - because I am more than happy to do a blog post on one - any excuse to pour over those lovely illustrations!
So, my lovely Mum gave me this book, with things that I may seemingly like to make (!). I can lend it to you if you like ? (Actually the baby blanket is really stunning) - but really...... what is that rabbit doing to that dog? Firstly the WIG STAND???!!!!! Nothing about this is right - is it? Seriously? What is going on? And what's with the eyelashes? Are they to make it that bit more glamorous? It's like some psychedelic Dr. Who Monster? If you found this in your girlfriend's bedroom - wouldn't you just run to the door?
Love the type face don't you - sooooo 70s!!! It's a bit Blue Peter -not sure I'll be making the loo roll lamps - - times are hard - but not that hard!
We live in a little village in West Sussex, South England. In our village is a beautiful, old Church dating back to the 10th Century - it is always open and very well cared for and loved. Most striking are the hassocks, the kneelers, which the women of the Parish make for the pews. Each one is lovingly created using needle-point, each with its own significance or sentiment. There is no shortage! Here are just a few.......
There are also the most incredible medieval frescoes, the colours still vibrant and incredibly well preserved.
Below is a Leper's Squint. I had never seen one of these before. Lepers had to stand outside the Church away from the congregation, so to allow them a view of the Priest during Mass. The Parish created a viewing hole via the outside wall, then an interior hole - angled perfectly for the lepers to see through. Interesting isn't it?
Outside is the original 16th Century Village Stock. I wonder who got put in those? Or what was thrown at them? In fact, one of the present villagers revealed to me that it was his ancestor that actually built them!!!
I feel so privileged to have this on my doorstep and to live in a country where this is so readily available and accessable - and FREE TO ALL !!!!! Hope you enjoyed your trip to our little Church this Spring Sunday!
I'm back! A gazillion posts to do - so let's get started! Firstly crochet - and as Spring is upon us I made a Springtime Wreath (pattern available at the lovely Attic 24 ). It was very easy to follow the pattern I have to say and I still consider myself a beginner, not bad for an afternoon's work (obviously not work at all)My mum gave me a little vintage crochet book and a new one for my birthday and there are quite a few things I would love to make from each -crocheting tastes haven't changed so much since the 1960s have they!?
I am also making two blankets, one I started last year in time for Christmas (HA!) - maybe this year's hey? I dip into it from time to time, but we are not in a serious relationship and enter each others lives on a random basis. The other is far more committed and for another post - lots of sunshine squares - its going to be amazing - I hope?
More posts to come. I hope you haven't forgotten about me ? I still love all your blogs and as usual they keep me smiling!