OK So I'm Back, but I never Left you in Spirit - it has been heeeeelllllllllll over at Appletree Cottage and now that I have tinternet back (rather slower) I fully intend to bring you up to date over on the Appletree Cottage Blog. I have SO missed this - it has been painful and I have a mountain of things I want to share with you - that only you sweet friends can appreciate. It has been a bit lonely moving to a new county, which is why I missed the camaraderie I find endlessly here with you.
So - anyhoo - I started this book corner thing - and by golly am going to finish it.
First a few of my favs - contemporary - but such an escape.
Then a couple of oldies......
Little Boy's Bedroom - stencil craziness!
Please tell me your fav in your comment so I can spend my Amazon vouchers on good advice! Glad to be back my friends.
Oh heck, picking a favourite is difficult. Hmm, I think I could do with the Guide to Natural Housekeeping. That sounds really fascinating. Yep, thats the one I would put at the top of the list.
Oh heck, picking a favourite is difficult. Hmm, I think I could do with the Guide to Natural Housekeeping. That sounds really fascinating. Yep, thats the one I would put at the top of the list.