When I was little my Grandma made a Snow House - to us it was the most magical thing ever. On Boxing Day we were allowed to put our little hands inside, reach in and retrieve a little present. It made the end of Christmas, just that little bit easier! Over the years it disintegrated and so this week I made one exactly the same.....but with a little extra.
In the roof is a magic window - if you find it and look in you will see by the light from the chimney a little, glittery Nativity Scene. Wish I could show you, but only those who find the Magic Window get to see the Christmas Family.
Since I have had a sudden Christmas rush on pencil cases in particular (not surprised they are super cute stocking fillers) - I just wanted to let people know my last order date is 30th November and the cheapest place to get them is THE MARBLE ROSE SHOP.
On the 11th hour of the 11 day of the 11th month the WW 1 ended. At this time I always light my candle in its trench art candle stick. The picture unfortunately doesn't show the roses delicately engraved into the shell.
For a few minutes I sit and watch the candle and imagine the soldier in the trench as he created something beautiful from something ugly - and in those moments my heart and soul are lifted. This soldier gave me a gift, a reminder that even faced with death, faced with terror and bloodshed, he created something of beauty. Perhaps it was for a loved one back home that he was never able to gift personally, perhaps it was something to do that helped him escape the horror surrounding him? Whatever its purpose, it is reminder to me that when all we have at our disposal is something bad, we seek to change it, to morph it into something good - and that's the human spirit at its best.
So the first batch of my cupcakes went into the oven but did not come back out, they kind of.......blew up. Don't ask, I didn't.
So what to do with a great deal of random sponge? Birthday party in a few hours........what the heck, make some ball type things....cover them with chocolate and sprinkles......it'll be fine...ahem.
And Voila......chocolate ball flower cake things......they looked alright, but were a little bit sweet. But look, I finally found something to with those flipping 50's cocktail sticks! (Do you like the vintage wax paper?)
Only 4 more posts till my 100th and the GIVE AWAY!!!!! YAY!!!!!
I bought this lovely embroidery at a carboot for pennies and the lady that sold it to me suggested I finish it. HAHAHAHAHAHAH....was my reaction - and yet, it niggled me that I didn't even try. So I did try and it wasn't too disastrous and I actually enjoyed it! It is not as intricate as the established flowers, but I had to use what I had and that didn't include fine silk thread. So now that is finished what should I do with it? Suggestions?
Finally - on a completely different note - has anyone ever seen a jug like this - I have tried so hard to find something similar online but failed terribly! Help me if you can - you lot are oh so clever!
He's kin of creepy isn't he?
My youngest's nursery often had a toy sale to raise money for their lovely establishment and I always got very very excited! One of the Grandmas would always donate loads of woolen toys she had made. Whoever this talented lady is she is incredibly prolific! Here's what I bought this time (some of these are Christmas pressies - so Caroline....close your eyes!)
So much work - I love them - the details are delightful!
Don't forget the Giveaway!!! And a warm welcome to my new followers!
Well it's an attempt at a bag for my eldest. I didn't follow a pattern and now appreciate that perhaps sometimes you really do need one! But I did my best and as she chose the material, I'm sure she'll like it and hopefully not notice the terrible sewing!Aren't these such cuties? 50p each at CB - nice little Christmas treats!
And this is a Marble Rose mirror that eldest insisted she had instead of the shop....hmph! Don't forget the giveaway! Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Welcome to my 100th post Give Away! Like every other blogger I can't believe how quickly I've achieved this amount of posts and am so grateful to the warm welcome and overwhelming response Marble Rose has had. In light of this, I wanted to give you wonderful people something back. I tried to include bits that everyone might enjoy - I hope so anyway?
A vintage set of Lexicon Playing Cards......
A 1960's Colouring Book....So you'll be needing a 1960's Japanese mini paint-box set- so cute!!!
1980's Rabbit Eraser, in case you make a mistake.
A large sheet of vintage wall paper - what would you do with this?
Two metres of vintage ribbon and fringing.
Tea Time with Mr. Owl Tea Pot!!!
And every Tea Pot needs a beautiful vintage, embroidered Tea Cosy
Time for a read with a 1960's Bimbo Comic.
Or a 1950's Annual?
Now - a bit of pampering......
Finally, a heart made by me to you xxxxx
So if you would like to enter then.......
1) If you aren't a follower already, please join me, I'm trying to make it 100!!!! - 1 ENTRY
2) If you are already a lovely follower please leave a comment - 1 ENTRY
3) Spread the joy by posting my Give Away Badge on your Blog- 1 ENTRY
4) If a person mentions that they found the Give Away through you - 1 ENTRY
That's it! Only a few more posts to go, so quick sticks! My blog has been a real saving grace this year, I do hope my gifts reflect what you mean to me? Good Luck!!!!