Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Vnigeta ZZesQui

Something to tickle your fancy from some more vintage childrens' books. I used to love doing these quizzes when I was little. How do you fare with this one?click on images to make larger
Alright - well things get slightly more difficult with this one from an old Girl's Own Annual - this may take you some time. It only took me, oh, half my childhood.try the 3rd line first.
TTFN xxx


  1. OK, Son 1 and I have got the first phrases sorted out, but somehow that doesn't help with the rest...

    When first you...

    No matter, analyse a line...

    But what comes next?

    The French love the picture-word puzzle quizzes - they are called Rebus, which is presumably why Ian Rankin called his police hero Rebus.

    Thanks for the headache (lol!)

  2. Ah ha! When first you scan this silly rhyme...

  3. To try to make the meaning clear!

    I'm getting this now!!!

    I'll stop commenting, though, or it will really get on your nerves.

  4. I thought the Devonshire dialect was bad enough!

  5. The second one is frying my brain!!!!!

    Mel xxx

  6. What in the world? I can't figure out the second one.

  7. What great fun! I enjoyed figuring out the first one. I am enjoying seeing your children's books. Have a nice weekend! Twyla
